"Ideal city" in English can be used to describe a city that is considered to be perfect or close to perfect. This can be based on factors such as cleanliness, safety, quality of life, cultural offerings, and so on. Here are a few different ways you could describe an ideal city in English:

A city that has everything I could want: This phrase could be used to describe a city that has a wide range of amenities and activities, making it a place where you could find something to do no matter what your interests are.

A city that feels like home: This phrase could be used to describe a city that has a warm, welcoming atmosphere, and that feels comfortable and familiar.

A city that has a high quality of life: This phrase could be used to describe a city that has a strong economy, good schools and healthcare, and a low crime rate, among other things.

A city that is rich in culture: This phrase could be used to describe a city that has a vibrant arts scene, a diverse population, and a rich history and cultural heritage.

最佳回答 2023-03-24